Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th Century Essay

The Philosophes French intellectual leaders of the Enlightenment were bankers, merchants, and professional men who had education and wealth. As a result of their political voice being denied to them, these men paved the way for the French Revolution through their skeptical attitudes toward government, religion, and social traditions. This group of aggressive dissenters and critics of the Old Regime, the prerevolution monarchy, were the Philosophes. The Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th century involved a particular group of French thinkers who were very popular during the middle of the 18th century. This group was known as the Philosophes, a large group of people who pursued a variety of the same intellectual interests. Believing†¦show more content†¦It states that the knowledge of the natural world should be torn away from that of the religious world. The natural world and the religious world are two completely separate entities that should not be combined together to form religious ideas or beliefs. Tolerance is something that everyone must have. Philosophes strongly believed that most human crimes committed were done for religion or in the name of God. People have to learn to separate God and life decisions so that they cannot be used together as an excuse. Philosophes felt that people within themselves have the tolerance to stay away from crime and to not commit criminal acts but do so because they are morally weak. They need to build up their tolerance and they will have all the answers they need. One of the greatest and most influential Philosophes of all time is Francis Marie Arouet, also known by the name of Voltaire. (www.voltairefoundation.com) Voltaire was born in Paris, France on November 21, 1694. He concentrated most extensively on two specific philosophical projects. Voltaire worked very hard to introduce empiricism, easily defined as information that can be gained as a result of careful observation. From this observation one can make laws or principles, as was prac ticed by the English into the French lifestyle. (www.voltairefoundation.com) Voltaire alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of the Scientific Revolution to Europe1176 Words   |  5 Pagesthat many ask themselves when asked to define scientific revolution and enlightenment in the 17th/ 18th century. The terms â€Å"Scientific Revolution† and â€Å"Enlightenment† are used to describe two important phases that Europe came across during the 1500s to the 1800s. The 17th century scientific revolution left a huge impact on Europe leading it to the 18th century enlightenment. The Scientific Revolution in the 16th and 17th century was the start and new beginning to the modern science. 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